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The Aspire Hub - Central Team

Our Senior Partners









Karen Bramwell           Amanda Ryan

   Pen Portrait                Pen Portrait


The role of the Senior Partner

A Senior Partner is the Headteacher or Executive Headteacher responsible for a hub of Network of Excellence partner schools, and is appointed either through proven experience as head of a Teaching School or CEO of a multi-academy trust (MAT), or as an elected representative from within the hub of schools. The Senior Partners play a vital role at both the national and local level leading Challenge Partners to fulfil our aims through four key areas:


  1. Leadership of the Network of Excellence and developing the strategy

  2. Setting the vision for the hub and developing a collaborative working culture

  3. Sharing and creating knowledge

  4. Ensuring the correct infrastructure is in place to support our work in the Network of Excellence








Our Hub Manager - Elliot Costas-Walker
Elliot also sits on the National Education Advisory Group (EAG) for Challenge Partners



The role of the Hub Manager

The Hub Manager works closely with the Senior Partner and has a more operational role in running the hub.

The Hub Manager will support schools in the hub by:

  • inducting new schools into the hub

  • arranging and running hub meetings

  • conveying the latest news from the national network

  • supporting the schools in the hub to produce a Hub Action Plan

  • in some cases, attending the final meeting for each school’s QA Review

  • following up any support requests with the school following their review.


Hub Managers also work closely with the Challenge Partners’ Central Team to ensure that schools are meeting their QA Review commitment, arranging replacement reviewers if necessary and arranging school-to-school support from within the hub or nationally.










Operations Lead/Administrator - Ian Haydock


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