Aspire Hub Documents
Our mission is to reduce educational inequality and improve the life chances of all children.
Through collaboration, challenge and professional development, we are working to ensure every
school community can benefit from the combined wisdom of the education system.
To work towards our mission, we have collectively adopted these four core aims that guide what we do:
Improve pupils’ examination results at a rate above the national average and accelerate progress of the disadvantaged
Enable all our schools to improve at a rate above the national average
Develop leadership and improvement capacity and knowledge at school and system level
Develop a world class, self-improving and sustainable system that contributes to national research and policy-making
We challenge each other, but equally support to develop our own thinking and practice
We agree and set manageable and meaningful expectations
We all play a part in moulding our Hub – it develops organically
We are kind, we are courageous and we are present!
'We look up, out & beyond!’
An annual ‘Hub Launch’ during September/October which aims to establish the Hub for the year ahead. Welcoming new partners to the Hub is critical
Termly Hub meetings – focussed on knowledge-mobilisation, sharing best practice and recent research and also feeding back as a Hub
Half-termly newsletters which are a Hub update – to connect us all and share the best practice existing across our Hub
Using Social Media to celebrate and support each other’s achievements
Engagement in Challenge Partners events – Sharing Leading Practice (SLPs), National Networks, National Conference
High Challenge – Low Threat
Open, honest & deliberate discussion – which challenges thinking!
Facilitation to ensure ‘the best of what we know’ can be shared
Mobilisation of knowledge, resources & skills